Monday, 27 January 2014

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After becoming worldwide famous with ………….. hits on YouTube, Chloe Conroy seems to be “the one to watch”, at the age of 19 Chloe is hitting the charts and is already above many famous artistes such as Beyoncé. Chloe has been noticed everywhere for her unique look and spectacular voice, the public are also tabling her as a model, fans are overwhelming.
SOUND have called Chloe in to interview her and ask her how this career has blown up in such a short amount of time, public have never reacted like this. Everyone is made for CHLOE.  We are privileged she has joined us now for her first ever interview.

Chloe, wow you’ve really flown up there, how are you taking all this fame?

“Honestly, I never expected this at all I’m just a normal girl from Birmingham I don’t know how this fame has arrived at all”

When did you know you had a music talent? Who told you?

“Well, I’ve always been obsessed with music since I was little but never thought I’d get any luck with it. I found out that people at least thought my music was good when I was at school and I had a school performance I played Sandy from Grease and people kept complimenting my voice.”

When did you consider making a youtube account for your music?

“Two years ago I made the account with my friends, not really for music but just to up load funny videos (laughs) but then my friend Ellie advised me to put a video of me singing up. It took months until I actually did but I didn’t post the video anywhere so only my family and friends viewed it, but after finally posting it, I put more on and the more I put up the more views I would get.”

Where would you record these videos?

“Usually just in my room on my MacBook, I would practice the song over and over until my parents would get annoyed (giggles) but after I got over 20 thousand hits, people were commenting on my videos telling me to record in a studio. After realising I might get hope from my music I decided to go to a studio not far from where I live”

What was your inspiration?

“My music inspiration was The Kooks because I listen to them from such a young age with my brother but what lead me to performing to masses of people was my auntie who struggled through cancer but she’d try and come to every event that I had and tell me how proud she was of me.”

Oh I’m sorry to hear, what makes you feel comfortable in front of crowds of people?

“Honestly it’s how I feel about myself, some days I can be so happy with myself and my appearance which makes me feel literally more comfortable in front of people but generally it’s usually trying to forget I’m in front of people and just in my room in front of my computer making a video.”

What are you planning to do in the future? Has music always been what you wanted to do?

“Music wasn't my original plan, I wanted to be a painter (laughs) I took art, drama and English language at A level and unexpectedly got 3 B’s. From now yes music is all I see myself doing and I can’t wait to release my new album called ‘October’ in the future.”

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