Sunday, 29 September 2013

Audience and Contents


The magazine is focused towards students at plantbrook school, this means teenagers from the age of 11 to 18 would want the get it. To make my magazine suitable for teenagers I would have to use relevant titles and mastheads, appropriate images should be used to attract the students so the magazine must look interesting. Staff would also read the magazine so the layout and colours can't be too childish it must look advisable, so over the top colours and unprofessional looking layouts wouldn't be suitable.


The contents will need to include page numbers relevant information about the magazine that is linked to the headers or the information inside the magazine with suitable images and text. The magazine must be appropriate so the students can understand it, the layout must be simple and professional. Colours and layout must be matching the front cover to make the magazine look better and organised, page numbers must include specific titles about the suitable page. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Preliminary Activity

As part of the Foundation Portfolio Coursework you must construct the front cover and contents page for a Plantsbrook School magazine.

  • You must identify the conventions of these media products.
  • You will identify who the audience will be.
  • You must identify the type of content that would be included in this magazine.
  • You must develop ideas for names for the magazine.
  • You will develop ideas for the masthead for the magazine using Fireworks. 
  • You will develop rough ideas for the products.
  • You will plan a photo shoot.
  • You will produce the products.
The deadline for this activity work is 4th October 

Analysis of magazine front cover conventions

labelling of Adele's magazine cover

Labelled version of the magazine cover